All relationships have their ups and downs. In most cases couples manage to work through their problems without the involvement of a third party. However, sometimes there is a need for some assistance in working through difficulties and it is at that time that Relationship Counselling may be appropriate.
When working with people in relationships I emphasise that it is the relationship that is my prime client – the individuals are secondary, albeit vital, components. I would mention that for me relationships are not limited to two individuals (ie couples) of differing genders but includes same sex lesbian and gay couples and those in poly-amorous, open or non-sexual relationships.
My approach to relationship counselling is designed to enable the individuals involved to communicate with each other and with the relationship as if it is an additional person. I have found that this is the best way in which all parties (the individuals and the relationship) can move forward.
The reasons in seeking relationship counselling can be issue specific such as a need to progress from an argument, an incident or infidelity.It may be because there is a need to negotiate a way forward because of a change in circumstances such as where a sexual/physical element of the relationship is no longer possible because of a physical or medical reason. It may be that one of the individuals has changed either subtly (because of a change in career or approach to life) or because an individual has reached a realisation about themselves (such as sexual orientation, gender identification or particular sexual/physical need or fetish) but wishes to ensure that the relationship with the other partner(s) is taken into account in a positive and or supportive way. Whatever the reason for seeking relationship counselling this can be aired fully during the counselling process.
Unlike psychotherapy, sessions do not have to be weekly (although in the early stages this may be appropriate). Often, after a period of regular weekly or fortnightly meetings, clients then move onto an irregular pattern of counselling “as and when needed”.
All sessions (including the first session) are charged at the same rate as detailed in the "How Much" section of this website.
If you would like to make arrangements for relationship counselling please either telephone me on 07956 569149, email me on [email protected] or use the contact form below.