Some of my clients either work or live permanently abroad and some travel frequently. It is important that they should not be deprived from accessing psychotherapy services. I am happy to work with clients through internet connections such as SKYPE. Fees are £60 per session payable by electronic transfer the working day prior to the session date. The terms of therapy are slightly different to reflect the fact that the client will be in control of how private the space they occupy is.
The procedure that I follow is:
a) A few minutes before the time allotted I email the client to advise them that I am ready to take their call.
b) The client then calls me (the client will have my contact details) as soon as they are happy concerning their privacy etc.
c) Sessions finish 50 minutes after the start time for the session.
If clients are travelling to the UK I always suggest that we should meet for a face to face session although this is not absolutely necessary.
Sessions are generally at the weekend and are arranged according to the UK time zone.